Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Before we starting the cooking, parade watching and gorging on great food I wanted to post a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of my wonderful friends and family!!!! I am so thankful for all of you! We are so lucky to have everything we have in our life! Thank you all for your love and support!!!! We all love you!!!
OK enough cheesiness!!!!!

We also have new visitors here at our house. Our friends are gone for a month on a trip and we are watching their guinea pigs for them!!!!!! The girls are LOVING them!!!!!!!!! They didn't really have names when they came so we call them Elle and Chip. Ella has the bed head and chip is the striped one. Here are a couple pics of them!

Have a happy Turkey day!!!!


SnapScrapRepeat said...

Look st those proud little girls! Thankful for your wonderful, scrappy's to a restful holiday weekend!

TheresaK said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the pic of the girls!!
Ack, i went shopping all day so I am beat, but I will get to your album tomorrow!
Did I ever answer your 3rd child ??
Um this week, it is a definate NOOOO but last week, I was considering. Heck Cams still gets up every nite, the thought goes right out htat darn window at that point!! I really could use a full nites sleep! ha!!
Happy Day after thanksgiving!
I am going to bed!

TheresaK said...

is that a freakin octopus?????

Grandma Kick said...

Those are the cutest grandkids a grandma could want!!! Sweet, loving to each other & always well behaved, describes them best!!!!! I can't wait to meet my grandguinea pigs!LOL

Steph said...
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Steph said...

Guinea pigs are interesting creatures. They have a smell to them, but are also pretty calm and cool. So overall, not a bad gig.

But you do realize, you will be stuck buying them one of their own when these go back? Farm girls need their own petting zoo. Ah, those were the days. At some point during my childhood, we had chickens, lambs, rabbits, hamsters, dogs, cats, fish, and a mouse (which my Mom only let me keep in the tub for .5 seconds). And all those animals died at some point and now I have zero attachment to animals.

This is too much info, isn't it.

Thanks for sharing. I love learning more about you and your family.

Greta Adams said...

awww!! they are cute!!

Pam said...

Too cute! They are soooo happy to have them there...what a cute picture! Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving and an awesome shopping trip!!!

EatSleepScrap said...

Yes it's eatsleepscrap from Thanks for the congrats